Thursday, 30 June 2011

Balasan meninggalkan solat

Diriwayatkan bahawa pada suatu hari Rasulullah S.A.W sedang duduk
bersama para sahabat, kemudian datang pemuda Arab masuk ke dalam
masjid dengan menangis.

Apabila Rasulullah S..A.W melihat pemuda itu menangis maka baginda pun
berkata, "Wahai orang muda kenapa kamu menangis?"
Maka berkata orang muda itu, "Ya Rasulullah S.A.W, ayah saya telah
meninggal dunia dan tidak ada kain kafan dan tidak ada orang yang hendak

Lalu Rasulullah S.A.W memerintahkan Abu Bakar r.a. dan Umar r.a. ikut
orang muda itu untuk melihat masalahnya. Setelah mengikut orang itu, maka
Abu Bakar r.a dan Umar r.a. mendapati ayah orang mudah itu telah bertukar
rupa menjadi babi hitam, maka mereka pun kembali dan memberitahu kepada
Rasulullah S.A.W, "Ya Rasulullah S.A.W, kami lihat mayat ayah orang ini
bertukar menjadi babi hutan yang hitam."

Kemudian Rasulullah S.A.W dan para sahabat pun pergi ke rumah orang
muda dan baginda pun berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T, kemudian mayat itu pun
bertukar kepada bentuk manusia semula. Lalu Rasulullah S.A.W dan para
sahabat menyembahyangkan mayat tersebut.

Apabila mayat itu hendak dikebumikan, maka sekali lagi mayat itu berubah
menjadi seperti babi hutan yang hitam, maka Rasulullah S.A.W pun bertanya
kepada pemuda itu, "Wahai orang muda, apakah yang telah dilakukan oleh
ayahmu sewaktu dia di dunia dulu?"
Berkata orang muda itu, "Sebenarnya ayahku ini tidak mahu mengerjakan
solat." Kemudian Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda, "Wahai para sahabatku,
lihatlah keadaan orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang. Di hari kiamat nanti
akan dibangkitkan oleh Allah S.W.T seperti babi hutan yang hitam."

Di zaman Abu Bakar r.a ada seorang lelaki yang meninggal dunia dan
sewaktu mereka menyembahyanginya tiba-tiba kain kafan itu bergerak.
Apabila mereka membuka kain kafan itu mereka melihat ada seekor ular
sedang membelit leher mayat tersebut serta memakan daging dan menghisap
darah mayat. Lalu mereka cuba membunuh ular itu.
Apabila mereka cuba untuk membunuh ular itu, maka berkata ular tersebut,
"Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammadu Rasulullah, menagapakah kamu semua
hendak membunuh aku? Aku tidak berdosa dan aku tidak bersalah. Allah
S.W.T yang memerintahkan kepadaku supaya menyeksanya sehingga
sampai hari kiamat."

Lalu para sahabat bertanya, "Apakah kesalahan yang telah dilakukan oleh
mayat ini?"
Berkata ular, "Dia telah melakukan tiga kesalahan, di antaranya :"

1. Apabila dia mendengar azan, dia tidak mahu datang untuk sembahyang berjamaah.
2. Dia tidak mahu keluarkan zakat hartanya.
3. Dia tidak mahu mendengar nasihat para ulama
Maka inilah balasannya.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Advantages of Surah Al-Mulk.

السلام عليكم

As an azharian student we have a Quran's subject as addition subject and of course its included in our final's exam.. Thats mean if we didnt do well in Quran's final exam then it will also affect our results =S..
Since our language is in "ABC..." so we Malaysian student has given ease with one juzuk every year stating from juzuk 30, different from arabic student which they have to hafaz five juzuk every year, since the Quran is their main language..

However, since my Quran's final exam is just in 8 days starting from today and you're last minutes student (like me) then you're be like memorizing it like crazy.. i mean while you're memorizing it, suddenly other subjects that you didnt study yet crossed your mind and you'll feel "cuak".. and its kinda hard to memorize it rite? since you're not really focusing 100%.. 

So i decided to search for the advantages of Surah al-mulk.. After i read it then i was like.. Astaqfirullahallazim, what was i thinking?. memorize the Quran just for exam? after the exam just ignore it?. "bagaikan tinggal unta dipadang pasir".. its mean that after the exam you forget it completely.. 
So i was like i should have memorize it not because of the exam, but because of Allah (Istiqfar2).. so mari kekawan kita betulkan niat..

Anyway here is the advantages.. Well most of you might already know it.. =)
But for those doesnt (like me).. please read =)

Surah al Mulk is the chapter of peace and security, as it saves readers from the torment of the grave. History has shown that like in the time of Rasulullah (PBUH). Ibn Abbas narrated:

"Once upon a time some friends of camp at the grave. They really do not think that place is a tomb. After a while in the camp, they suddenly heard the voices of people reading Surah Al Mulk from the start till the end. The voice came from the land. they knew, they are camping in the grave. Then it complained to the Messenger of Allah 'alaihi Wasallam and he said, which means: "Surat Al Mulk was relief because they prevent the reader from the torment of hell."

1. Abu Huraira reported the hadith, he said, which means: "Verily in the Quran, there is a chapter that consists of 30 paragraphs, it benefits for a man who read it. So long as any man to read, so long as it was he asked for his forgiveness. Surah Surat Al Mulk is. "

2. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, which means: "Surah al Mulk is to preserve and prevent the reader from the torment of the grave."

3. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, which means: "I am very happy, if the believer is always read Surah Al Mulk as if it was written verses in his heart."

4. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, which means: "Whoever recites Surah Al Mulk every night, saved from the torment of the grave."

5. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, which means: "Whoever reads Surah Al Mulk on any night, then came to the tomb in verses such as the replacement to cross swords with Munkar Nakir.

6. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, which means: "Verily in the Quran there is a chapter that contained 30 sentences. Surah is Surah Al Mulk. It will come to help readers to ask questions in the grave until they safely get into Heaven. "

7. Rasulullah (PBUH) said, which means: "Part of the surah in the Quran there is a chapter that consists of 30 verses. Surah Al Mulk. They intercede for those who read it out of the fire and put it in Heaven. "

8. Scholars said: "Verily, Rasulullah (PBUH) will not compete unless he recited Surah Al Sajadah and Al Mulk."

9. Scholars said: "Indeed Al-Mulk, the release practitioners from practitioners stayed behind. It will ask questions at the last day before the Lord for those who practice it requires release from the torment of the Fire"

10. Saiyidina 'Ali said: "Whoever practices Surah Al Mulk, would have taken it on the last day on the wings of an angel and her pretty face as the Prophet Joseph."

11. Scholars said: "Verily, Surah Yasin and Surah Al Mulk contained some secret and the advantages. Whoever would have to practice it got the secrets and the benefits that well loved by all men and also great in the eyes of all creatures."

12. Saiyidina 'Abdullah bin Abbas said: "Whoever recites Surah Al Mulk and make it as a practice, he would get the help of Allah in his grave. When it comes to punishment to the head, heard a cry:" Not You came to the head because there surah Al Mulk. " it also happen when the punishment come to legs and their stomach.. 

Syukran.. =)

Friday, 3 June 2011

Tengok, dengar dan hayati.!

السلام عليكم

Tengok movie smallville, gossip girl, first love and etc... berjam-jamkan? 
Ape kate kite tengok video dibawah nie jap.. 
11.02 mins je masa dia..
  so ayuk kawan-kawan..
press play =) 

p/s video ini diambil dari jalan salafus sholih ..